Moving your family and all your worldly possessions to a new home can be stressful, this page covers the practical information you need to know for moving to Jersey. Find more information on Moving to Jersey in our key information pages Living and Working in Jersey…Still have a query? Give us a call on +44(0)1534 440604 or email
Currency and Time Zone
Currency: In Jersey we use the Jersey Pound (£) which is equal in value to the British Pound (GBP). All United Kingdom sterling currencies are legal tender in the Island.
Time Zone: GMT
Moving Your Household Goods
When you move to Jersey, you must declare to the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service (JCIS) any vehicles or household goods you have brought with you. As well as household belongings such as furniture and electrical items, this also includes items such as spirits, wines and tobacco.
For some items you will have to pay 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST)*, Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)*, Excise Duty on alcohol, tobacco and fuel and the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) which is charged on all goods imported from outside of the Customs Union (UK, Guernsey and Isle of Man are all within the Customs Union).
Some items also need a licence or permit before they can be imported. For example, personal collections of antique or ornamental firearms. You may only own a firearm if you have a firearm certificate issued by the Connétable of the parish in which you live (Moving to Jersey: Contact your parish (
Other restricted items include:
- liquid milk
- endangered animals and goods made or taken from them
- firearms, ammunition, accessories and other weapons
- explosives and fire works
- chemicals for making weapons
- flick knives, gravity knives and CS gas sprays.
More information is available: Imports and Exports (
* All rates may be subject to review and may change on an annual basis. For most up to date information, please refer to
Importing Goods from Third Countries (including the EU)
As part of the legal requirements of the UK Customs Union (of which Jersey is a part) additional administration and customs clearances are required, including a customs declaration for all personal goods imported from all Third Countries (including the EU) into Jersey.
Declaration forms and further information are available here: Moving to Jersey: Bring your personal household items, pets and vehicles (
Applying for GST Relief on Personal Property
In some cases you can apply for relief from GST on personal belongings. There is no relief on commercial items. Relief on personal property is only for a person who is moving home or moving personal property from a second home. Examples of personal property are:
- household effects
- bikes
- caravans
- pets
- musical instruments.
There is no tax relief for the following:
- tobacco
- tobacco products
- alcoholic beverages
- commercial means of transport
- articles for use in a trade or profession.**
**except for portable instruments of the applied or liberal arts.
You can apply for relief on GST for imported belongings if:
- you have owned the goods for more than 6 months and they were in your possession at your former home
- the goods are moving from a secondary property outside Jersey to a principal home in Jersey.
Moving Goods from your Secondary Property
The goods must have been in your possession at the second property for at least 6 months before the date you import them to Jersey.
If it is found that, to avoid GST, goods have been stored at this property for the 6-month period before being moved to Jersey, no relief will be granted, unless:
- the goods are for the same use at your new home in Jersey
- your normal place of residence has been, for a continuous period of at least 12 months, outside of Jersey
- if your principal place of residence is in Jersey, but you own a second property outside of Jersey.
Selling Imported Goods after Moving to Jersey
If within 12 months of receiving GST relief on any imported goods you then either:
- lend
- hire
- sell
- give as security
- give away.
you must inform the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service. You will also be liable to pay GST on the value of those goods at disposal.
Importing Goods and Claiming GST Relief Before Moving to Jersey Permanently
You must apply for GST relief before or when you arrive in Jersey.
You can arrange to import your goods and make use of any granted GST relief before you move. But you must move to Jersey within 6 months of the GST payment and importation of the goods.
If you meet certain criteria, you will not be charged GST on your personal belongings, including any means of transport.
Moving to Jersey: Pay your customs and import duties (
Bringing Your Car to Jersey
Make Sure You Have the Right Insurance
You will need to get new car insurance for Jersey.
You will need a cover note for the time between the car arriving, and when it is registered in Jersey and has a Jersey registration plate.
In Jersey you must show that your car is insured by displaying a Windscreen Insurance Display. This will be provided by your insurer.
Paying Customs, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Vehicle Emissions Duties (VED) on an Imported Vehicle*
If you move to Jersey permanently, and bring your vehicle, you may be liable for Customs Duty, VED and/or GST.
If you have owned the vehicle for more than 6 months before moving to Jersey, you can apply for tax/duty relief. You must make an application before or at the time you start living in Jersey.
As with personal goods, you can also apply for secondary residence relief. This is applicable when you are moving a car from a secondary residence outside of Jersey to the Island. You should make this application before or at the time the vehicle is imported.
Contact Jersey Customs and Immigration Service (JCIS) to find out if the vehicle will incur any duties.
* All rates may be subject to review and may change on an annual basis. For up-to-date information please see
Cost of Importing Vehicles (liable taxes)
1. Customs Duty and GST*
Vehicles imported from the EU and non-EU countries will incur different charges.
If you import the vehicle from the EU, it will be liable to GST at 5% on its value at import. This includes all freight charges and insurance costs.
If you import the vehicle from outside the EU, you will have to pay GST at 5% and customs duty. Customs duty is charged according to the type of goods and where they are imported from.
You will be liable for any relevant taxes, if within 12 months of receiving duty or GST relief on the imported vehicle you either:
- sell
- hire
- transfer ownership of the vehicle.
2. Vehicle emissions duty (VED)*
VED is an imports (excise) duty on vehicles.
VED is paid when a vehicle is first registered on the Island. This includes vehicles already imported to Jersey that haven’t yet been registered with Jersey plates (J Plates).
The duty charged is based on the manufacturers’ CO2 emissions data. CO2 emissions data is only available for cars produced post March 2001. For vehicles manufactured before this date, the cubic capacity (cc) is used.
* All rates may be subject to review and may change on an annual basis. For most up-to-date information please see
Registering Your Vehicle in Jersey
If you intend to live, or have been living, in Jersey for more than 12 months you must register any vehicles you import immediately. (For vehicles which have never been registered before this registration please see Registering your vehicle in Jersey (
There is no period of grace for driving in Jersey on foreign registration plates. Jersey residents cannot drive a foreign registered vehicle in the Island. You will need to change over your number plate, and you must also be able to prove that you own the vehicle.
All vehicles previously registered elsewhere will need an inspection before being registered in Jersey.
If you plan on living in Jersey for more than 12 months and your vehicle is registered in another country, you need to provide the following information to Driver and Vehicle Standards (DVS) when you register your vehicle:
- the owner’s Jersey driving licence, if the owner is an individual
- a certificate of insurance or cover note for the time being in force in relation to the use of the vehicle by the owner (an insurance disc is not acceptable)
- a Jersey Customs import declaration. This is not required if you’re a Customs approved trader. You may complete the declaration online
- motor caravans also require a letter from the Department of Environment regarding the required permit.
You must also:
- produce the original documents as listed above
- book your vehicle in for an inspection by completing the VRD 17 form
- pay the inspection fee:
- £41.50 for vehicles with EU or UK Whole Vehicle Type Approval
- £460 for vehicles without Whole Vehicle Type Approval or £130 for motorcycles
- £106 for vehicles over 25 years old without EU or UK Whole Vehicle Type Approval
- provide the registration document or certificate of permanent export for the vehicle (if it is being imported from the UK, sections 1 and 2 on new style V5C, or 1 to 8 on the old style V5C)
- provide evidence of type approval for vehicles under 25 years old
- provide an invoice or bill of sale for the vehicle if not registered in your name
- pay any Vehicle Emissions Duty (VED)
- pay any Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- pay the registration fee of £34, if your vehicle passes the inspection.
* All rates may be subject to review and may change on an annual basis. For up-to-date information please see
Relevant forms for registering your vehicle.
Vehicle Specifications
Your vehicle must meet certain specifications and it may need an inspection before it’s registered. If your vehicle is 25+ years old, special exemption provisions apply.
Your vehicle must comply with Jersey legislation. Banned items include:
- headlights not manufactured or designed for driving on the left-hand side of the road
- mirrors without safety markings
- anchorages and seat belts without safety markings
- speedometers that are not marked in both mph and kph
- red direction indicators
- lamps without the required angles of visibility
- wheels and tyres that project beyond the wheel arches
- front side-windows and windscreens tinted beyond the legal limit
- bull bars.
It is worth noting, once registered in Jersey cars are currently not subject to Road Tax or MOTs, however this position may change – for up-to-date information please see
Changing Your Driving License
If you become resident in Jersey and hold a foreign driving licence you must exchange it for a Jersey one. This includes UK licence holders. You should do this as soon as possible after arriving in Jersey.
Application forms for a driving licence are available from your Parish Hall (find your parish information at
You must not drive a vehicle of any class or description on a road unless you hold a valid licence for that vehicle.
A Jersey driving licence is issued for one or more categories of vehicle and is valid for ten years.
More information is available from your Parish Hall and on
Applying for or renewing a driving licence (
Bringing Your Pet to Jersey
Moving With Your Pet from the UK, IOM or Other CIs
If you are relocating to Jersey from the UK, Isle of Man or another Channel Island then you will not need a pet passport for your pet. The exception to this is if you are bringing in a pet from the UK which originated from abroad. This includes the Republic of Ireland.
No vaccinations are needed, but you should discuss your pet’s health with your vet as your pet must be fit to travel and properly cared for.
Pets may travel with any airline or ferry operator who agrees to carry your pet.
If travelling on a private plane or boat, you must not visit a foreign port en-route.
The pet must have landed legally in the UK before travelling to Jersey.
Pets that do not meet the entry requirements for the UK may be seized on arrival in Jersey. It is law that all dogs are microchipped in the UK before they are eight weeks old or sold.
It is illegal to import certain breeds and types of dogs (deemed Dangerous Dogs) to Jersey. These breeds and types are:
- Dogo Argentino
- Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)
- Japanese Tosa (or Tosa)
- Pit Bull Terrier.
This includes any other type of dog showing characteristics to those bred for fighting. The following is a non-exhaustive list of popular dog breeds portraying characteristic of fighting dogs:
- American Staffordshire Terriers (Am Staffs or AST’s)
- American Bulldogs, including XL Bulldogs or Bullies
- Presa Canario
- Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier (not to be confused with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
- Old Fashioned Staffords (not to be confused with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
- Traditional Staffords (not to be confused with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
- Wolf Hybrids
- Certain Shepherd dogs (Caucasian, Central Asian, Kangal and Yugoslavian Shepherds)
- Certain Mastiffs (Neapolitan, Spanish and Boerboel Mastiffs)
- Cane Corso.
There are also other types of animal you cannot bring into Jersey, and more details are available here: Import, export or travel with small pets (
Moving With Your Pet from Outside of the UK, IOM, or Other CIs
The process to import a pet from outside of the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands can take several weeks or even months. You should contact the Chief Veterinary Officer for the Government of Jersey as soon as you can. Contact details are at the end of this page.
Dog Licences
By law, every dog in Jersey over 6 months old must be licensed, except for guide dogs used solely by a blind or deaf person.
You must buy a licence for each dog you keep, it is an offence to not do so. The licence fee is £10 per dog and lasts for 1 year. The licence must be renewed by 31st January each year. A £20 fee may be charged for late licence applications. A licence cannot be issued to a person under the age of 16 years. The licence is specific to a dog and cannot be transferred to another dog.
Owners are responsible for their dogs, in particular:
- every dog in a public place or highway must wear a collar which details the owner’s name, address and telephone number
- it is illegal to allow your dog to worry livestock
- from 01 May to 30 September, dogs must be kept on a lead when on a beach between 10.30am and 6pm
- it is an offence not to clear up after your dog, a fine of £1,000 will be issued
- dogs should not be a nuisance to others.
You are required to inform your parish should:
- you change address
- you rehome or sell your dog
- your dog dies
- you lose your dog.
Licence applications can be collected from your local parish hall or downloaded from your parish website. Completed applications should be returned to the Connétable of the parish in which you live. Payments can be made by cheque payable to the ‘Parish of ….…’ /OR/ by card/BACS payments.
The following information is requested within the application form:
- the applicants name and address
- contact details – phone and email
- the dog’s name
- dog breed
- the dog’s gender
- the dog’s year of birth/age
- colour of the dog
- microchip ID (or other identifying feature which may assist identification).
Bringing Horses When You Move to Jersey
Importing a Horse from the UK
A valid equine passport, a British Export Health Certificate, and to meet all the requirements of the General Licence issued by the Minister for the Environment in the UK.
The General Licence may be reviewed from time to time and the condition altered, so each time a horse is imported the importer must ensure they have the most up-to-date version to accompany the horse.
Importing a Horse from the EU (including the Republic of Ireland)
You need a valid equine passport and the relevant health certificate.
An EU vet will issue one of the following:
- for re- entry horses – GBHC167E
- for registered horses – GBHC168E
- for unregistered horses – GBHC169E.
In some cases, blood sampling is required so you will need to discuss this in advance with your EU vet.
To avoid unnecessary delays on entry you should also make your customs entry in advance, and you must notify the Natural Environment veterinary team by email at least one working day before entry, supplying a copy of the certificate at that time to avoid delays to entry.
Importing a Horse from Outside the EU (Third Countries)
For non-EU Countries contact the Department of the Environment. While the department will endeavour to help, it is the exporter’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the importing country.
The horse will need to enter via a Border Control Post in Great Britain and would need to meet the UK’s import conditions.
The Cost of Importing a Horse
If you import a horse for long-term personal use you are liable to pay GST. Contact Customs and Immigration for relevant forms and fees.
Horse Passports
You do not need a horse passport if your horse (donkey or pony) remains in Jersey permanently.
You need a passport if you intend to export or import your horse to, or from, either:
- the UK
- the Republic of Ireland; or
- Europe.
Horse passports cannot be issued in Jersey. You should contact the relevant authority in your area (for the UK this is
You should only have one valid passport per horse. Should your horse have two passports, you can decide which one to keep.
If your passport was issued by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI), you must contact the British Equestrian Federation to check it meets current requirements for import to Jersey.
Follow the useful links below for more information.
Useful Links

“We were astonished by the speed and simplicity with which we were able to source our lovely home and move to the Island. In fact, from first thinking about moving to the Channel Islands to purchasing our house, took less than four months from start to finish (including obtaining our housing consent from the States of Jersey within just two weeks)!”
Andrew & Fiona Tyrer
Do you still have a query on the practicalities of moving to Jersey? Give us a call today on +44(0)1534 440604 or email
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Strategically positioned between the UK and Europe, Jersey opens up a world of connections.
- Enviable quality of life and work-life balance
- Highly regarded and well-regulated international jurisdiction
- Safe, secure community lifestyle
- Low personal and business taxes