Locate Jersey’s Kate Le Blond looks back at the 2017 Jersey Director of the Year Awards and how the high calibre of professionals working in the Island are a key part of the Jersey 'proposition'.
"The Jersey Director of the Year Awards hosted by the IoD Jersey at the end of April provided another fantastic reminder of the very high standard of leaders we are fortunate to have in our island. Opening the event, host Gyles Brandreth told the audience that the Jersey branch of the IoD outperforms every other branch in the British Isles and punches well above its weight – a ringing endorsement!
As well as the awards showcasing the high calibre of people steering organisations across the private, public and voluntary sectors locally, from a Locate Jersey point of view, it was wonderful to see individuals represented in the shortlist from firms that have either established in Jersey with our support or who work closely with us to help those businesses to relocate to the Island..
Having strong leaders, it goes without saying, is absolutely vital in the current climate, where innovation, good communication and the ability to successfully guide an organisation through volatile times, are important ingredients to ensure that the staff, clients and wider business community maintain certainty and confidence in that organisation.
From an inward investment point of view, time and again, we hear that key influences in attracting businesses and their owners to our shores are the quality of staff, skills and impressive infrastructure of professional and corporate services in Jersey. . The IOD Awards clearly show that success breeds success, and companies that move to Jersey bring with them skills and experience that compliment and contribute further to the existing high quality pool of leadership talent in the Island.
The wealth of strong experience and leadership on display at the 2017 IoD Jersey Director of the Year Awards was another reminder of just how important those qualities are as part of our overall inward investment proposition as we seek to evolve, grow and diversify our economy."
Photo accredited to IoD Jersey
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